CEREBRAL - A Predatory Medical Empire (2024)

@Drako9823ปีที่แล้ว +26

Thank you for talking about this. There's an epidemic of over-prescription and misdiagnosis with the whole medical system. I know it's a very touchy subject, but I was wondering if you could talk about how many people get misdiagnosed for gender dysphoria and churned through plastic surgery at lightning pace, meanwhile not getting actual issues treated. There's a lot of money to be made with these kinda of "treatments".

  • CEREBRAL - A Predatory Medical Empire (1)


    Some folks'd bitch if you hanged 'em with a golden rope.
    In the UK and Canada, there's an "epidemic" of trans people committing suicide because the wait time for their surgery is too long, while in the U.S., people (notably, not _transgender_ people) are complaining about it being "too rushed."
    Misdiagnosis is a problem and always has been. It will continue to be a problem as long as we keep a medical training system that discourages doctors from doing research or looking anything up, and is designed to keep out people who are not in the top few percentile of physical and mental constitution.
    "Over-prescription," on the other hand, is limited almost entirely to specific drugs and almost always tied to marketing by those drugs' manufacturers. You don't hear anyone complaining about "overprescription" of, say, buproprion, because it's been around since the '60s and no one makes any real money by producing it because there are multiple manufacturers.
    In this case, it was a prescriber, not a manufacturer, that was doing the pushing, but for the same reason: to make money.
    In the case of sex change surgery, the process requires multiple doctors. One doc can't say "yeah, you qualify, here's some hormones, let's set you up for surgery." Any kind of medical conspiracy to push through sex change surgery would require a minimum of three doctors to be in on it, with only one profiting from the actual surgery. While this can and almost certainly has happened a few times, it's not enough to explain the "epidemic" of gender dysphoria we're seeing. That's most likely a result of increasing social acceptance of trans people combined with high incidence of treatment-resistant depression leading to people willing to take any risk to try to feel better.

  • CEREBRAL - A Predatory Medical Empire (2)

    @Iudicatioปีที่แล้ว +1

    Is that real? That's not something I deal with or anyone I know but I think it takes quite a long time right? And as far as profit goes isn't prescribing pills much easier and more profitable? It isn't difficult like surgery, you can't give surgery over the phone.

  • CEREBRAL - A Predatory Medical Empire (3)

    @anteshellปีที่แล้ว +1

    Well, how many are and to what you base that information?

  • CEREBRAL - A Predatory Medical Empire (4)

    @FullTimeGaming360ปีที่แล้ว +5

    @@Iudicatio I am trans so I can speak from my experience with it but of course take grains of salt because I will have my own bias. I went the private route as our health care system does have support for it but it is very slow. I went to a psychiatrist for three sessions to evaluate, I then I had to find a second one to compare to the previous one so six sessions total there and around 4-6 months. This then allowed me to be evaluated by a hormone clinic who had me track and make a sort of medical diary of being out and putting into practice what I wanted for one year before I was allowed hormones, before that I was ran through all risks of which there are many but about the same amount and veracity as many widely considered normal substances and medicine. They recommend if male to save sem*n and if female save eggs before starting. Then they slowly ramp up the total hormone replacement therapy until either oestrogen is dominant or testosterone is. This took 3/4 years for me, I was scrutinised heavily and then during 2021 I had surgery but that was 3 years in on official grounds.
    There is some horror stories from my countries public health system of people feeling pushed and unable to speak out when they felt uncomfortable due to a lack of confidence which makes sense of someone who is on mentally shaky ground during these times usually then committing to surgery etc and regretting it. It is just statistics which can be misread but the majority of trans people in my country are MtF but the ones that commonly de-transition are FtM with many quoting "I was treat like crap" which could be a core misunderstanding of manhood/social expectations of men v women while being pushed. I found it strange that more of the horror stories come from the public health care here than the private but I can only speak for one of them as I only got contacted a month ago by them after being on a waiting list for 5 years.
    Overall many trans people in my region alongside others from the LGBT agree on the requirement for stringent rules before things can take place for young and impressionable as many gay men were abused when they were younger for being gay and being made a fetish by predators and the same can/has happened to trans people. I am younger but Trans people aren't new maybe more widely known about but not new and most of the rules in place that seem restrictive are there for safeguarding of which many young people around my age are miss understanding as being repressed and the like.

  • CEREBRAL - A Predatory Medical Empire (5)

    @MD-zm6snปีที่แล้ว +4

    Man you know that topic CAN'T be touched haha.

CEREBRAL - A Predatory Medical Empire (2024)
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