Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (2024)



  • José van Lieshout Human Resources consultant

    Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (2) view profile

    José van Lieshout

    Human Resources consultant

    José van Lieshout has been a Human Resources consultant at KWR since January 2019. Previously, she worked for over eight years as salary administrator/staff member in KWR's Human Resources team.…

    • 030-6069536
    • 06-46183412

    view profile

  • Erwin Beerendonk BSc Manager Project manager

    Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (4) view profile

    Erwin Beerendonk BSc

    Manager Project manager

    Erwin Beerendonk is a Team Leader on the Water Treatment team and a Project Manager on various types of projects. As senior researcher, he focuses on solving challenges faced by…

    • 030-6069669
    • 06-22571544

    view profile


  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (5) Sustainability

    Sustainable use of freshwater resources


    Eleven European partners will be working together on using alternative sources and additional buffers to strengthen the resilience of water supplies to water scarcity. KWR is leading a work package with four varied regional case studies: in…

    Read more about RECREATE

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  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (6) Health

    Microbial safety

    PCR methods for legal parameters

    In determining the (hygienic) quality of drinking water, use is made of E. coli, intestinal enterococci and bacteria from the coli group (coliforms) as indicator organisms. Culture methods are the standard technique used to establish the presence…

    Read more about PCR methods for legal parameters

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  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (7) Enabling technologies

    Innovative water treatment technologies

    Wiser with Metal

    This practical study investigates how much aquafer can be reprocessed into iron powder of a known quality. If pure enough, the iron powder can be used for a range of high-grade applications, including as a carrier material…

    Read more about Wiser with Metal

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  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (8) Health

    Safe innovation and the water sector

    Rewarding: closing water and nitrate cycles in greenhouse horticulture

    The greenhouse horticulture sector in the Netherlands is working on circular food production. On the road to achieving this goal, the sector must focus on, among other things,…

    Read more about Rewarding: closing water and nitrate cycles in greenhouse horticulture

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  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (9) Enabling technologies

    Innovative water treatment technologies

    An absolute barrier to PFAS in RO concentrate – no PFAS discharge to the environment in the drinking water sector (PAH PFAS)

    An inventory study (KWR 2021.040) has shown that drinking water utilities find PFAS in their sources. PFAS are removed effectively during treatment with reverse osmosis (RO) but this…

    Read more about An absolute barrier to PFAS in RO concentrate – no PFAS discharge to the environment in the drinking water sector (PAH PFAS)

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  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (10) Society

    Stakeholder involvement and governance

    Value Case Development: a process methodology for sustainable decision-making

    Drinking water utilities will have to make major investments in the coming decades in areas such as asset infrastructure in order to maintain their capacity to continue supplying…

    Read more about Value Case Development: a process methodology for sustainable decision-making

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  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (11) Enabling technologies

    Innovative water treatment technologies

    Closing the Cycle of Nutrients from Wastewater and Process Water (KNAP)

    In this cross-sectoral project within TKI Water Technology and TKI Agri & Food, research partners WUR/WENR, KWR and LeAF are working together with a wide range of public-…

    Read more about Closing the Cycle of Nutrients from Wastewater and Process Water (KNAP)

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  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (12) Enabling technologies

    Innovative water treatment technologies

    Waterrotonde Eerbeek

    A pilot project has been organised with a circular water management system at the Industriewater Eerbeek (IWE) site. Existing plants treat process water from paper and cardboard mills and recover residual products for use in agriculture. The…

    Read more about Waterrotonde Eerbeek

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  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (13) Enabling technologies

    Future-proof networks

    Monitoring, modelling and reducing nitrous oxide emissions from WWTPs

    Towards mitigation strategies for WWTPs through intensive monitoring and modelling of N2O emissions Industry and society are striving to reduce the carbon footprint in response to tackling climate…

    Read more about Monitoring, modelling and reducing nitrous oxide emissions from WWTPs

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  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (14) Health

    Biological activity

    Roadmap for Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) to monitor microbial drinking water quality

    The Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) analysis method is suitable for investigating the composition of complex microbial populations. NGS is very valuable for identifying changes in the composition of microbial…

    Read more about Roadmap for Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) to monitor microbial drinking water quality

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  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (15) Health

    Emerging contaminants

    From non-target screening to risk assessment

    Non-target screening, bioassays and computer modelling can provide information about the structure, concentration and toxicity of unknown substances in water. Until now, these chemical, biological and computing methods have often been used…

    Read more about From non-target screening to risk assessment

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  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (16) Enabling technologies

    Future-proof networks

    Towards a knowledge programme for PVC pipe systems

    We are researching how drinking water utilities can collect sufficient information about their PVC pipe systems in the years ahead, with a view to further improving the management of existing and yet-to-be-installed…

    Read more about Towards a knowledge programme for PVC pipe systems

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  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (17) Enabling technologies

    Future-proof networks

    Determining reliability of modelling of drinking water warming

    Water utilities want to know at which locations in the distribution network, and during which periods, risks of excessively warm drinking water may occur, and what targeted measures…

    Read more about Determining reliability of modelling of drinking water warming

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  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (18) Enabling technologies


    Methods for decision-making under deep uncertainty

    Progressing climate change, technological developments and population growth put our society and also the water sector in a situation of deep uncertainty. Deep uncertainty is a technical term for the unpredictability of…

    Read more about Methods for decision-making under deep uncertainty

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  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (19) Looking ahead

    Futures studies and response strategies

    Digital twin as experience accelerator

    In which situations can a digital twin of the distribution process play a valuable role in the training of new staff? This is the central question in the project entitled: ‘On the…

    Read more about Digital twin as experience accelerator

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  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (20) Sustainability

    Public Design for Water

    System Knowledge and Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystem Nexus

    Land,food, energy, water and ecosystems are linked to each other (the WEFE nexus), and form interconnected socio-metabolisms at different scales. Within Public Design for Water, we work in…

    Read more about System Knowledge and Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystem Nexus

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  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (21) Society

    Stakeholder involvement and governance

    The ‘Integrated Area Plan’: designing and assessing integrated solutions in area processes

    This project is exploring how professionals working in practice can arrive at well-considered ‘Integrated Area Plans’. An Integrated Area Plan focuses on multiple and integrated solutions for various…

    Read more about The ‘Integrated Area Plan’: designing and assessing integrated solutions in area processes

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  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (22) Health

    Biological activity

    Effect of temperature on the growth of opportunistic pathogens

    This project is investigating how the heating up of drinking water affects the growth of opportunistic pathogens in the mains system. We are using a pilot array that…

    Read more about Effect of temperature on the growth of opportunistic pathogens

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  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (23) Health

    Biological activity

    The effects on biological stability and later growth of mixing treated water from alternative sources and conventionally produced drinking water

    This project will determine the effect of mixing drinking water extracted from new sources (groundwater and surface water) with drinking water from conventional treatment on the biological stability…

    Read more about The effects on biological stability and later growth of mixing treated water from alternative sources and conventionally produced drinking water

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  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (24) Health

    Emerging contaminants

    Sewage surveillance of drug use

    Drug use is a recognised societal problem. It is damaging to public health and has negative (undermining) consequences for public security and the environment. An effective drug policy needs to be founded on reliable drug-use and -dealing…

    Read more about Sewage surveillance of drug use

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  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (25) Health

    Microbial safety

    Reliable detection and control of Legionella pneumophila in wastewater

    In recent years, the number of registered patients with a Legionella infection has increased in the Netherlands, with the majority of infections caused by Legionella pneumophila. L. pneumophila…

    Read more about Reliable detection and control of Legionella pneumophila in wastewater

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  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (26) Sustainability

    Public Design for Water

    Customer Perspectives and Behavioural Research

    In the transition to a more water-aware society, it is essential to listen to and fully understand drinking water customers. How do these customers view drinking water and water conservation? What do…

    Read more about Customer Perspectives and Behavioural Research

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  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (27) Sustainability

    Public Design for Water

    Social Environment and Area Planning Processes

    We live in a time of transitions and changes, both in organisations and in the physical environment. We have ambitions in the area of climate adaptation, the water transition, the energy transition…

    Read more about Social Environment and Area Planning Processes

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  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (28) Sustainability

    Public Design for Water

    Futures Studies and Strategy Development

    For the timely recognition of threats and opportunities, and, as a society, to react to them effectively, we need to explore the future. Within Public Design for Water, the Futures Studies and…

    Read more about Futures Studies and Strategy Development

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  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (29) Sustainability

    Climate change and resilience

    Water-kennis: an immersive media experience

    Turn on your tap, shower or flush your toilet, and clean water flows out. But where does this water come from? The availability of enough clean water has become an issue for…

    Read more about Water-kennis: an immersive media experience

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  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (30) Sustainability

    Sustainable use of freshwater resources

    Monitoring nutrient measures

    In many areas of the Netherlands the surface-water quality still does not meet the WFD targets. In the present project two catchment areas in the provinces of North Brabant and Flevoland are being intensively monitored for nutrients,…

    Read more about Monitoring nutrient measures

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  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (31) Looking ahead

    Futures studies and response strategies

    GRROW: an intergenerational lab for the drinking water sector

    What does the future water sector look like? What needs to change and what do we want to maintain? The GRROW lab project wants to answer that question…

    Read more about GRROW: an intergenerational lab for the drinking water sector

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  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (32) Society

    Citizen science and public participation

    Customer Perspectives 2.0

    In the Joint Research Programme (BTO) Customer theme group, four customer perspectives were developed which provide insight into the diversity of drinking water customers, with their different expectations, desires, concerns and needs. In 2018, the distribution and…

    Read more about Customer Perspectives 2.0

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  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (33) Sustainability

    Sustainable use of freshwater resources

    Can’t escape the WaterScape: transforming water and governance systems for dealing with climate impacts in the Dutch Delta

    With projected increase in floods and drought it is apparent that the Dutch water system needs to change. In WaterScape we explore large-scale spatial transitions in the physical…

    Read more about Can’t escape the WaterScape: transforming water and governance systems for dealing with climate impacts in the Dutch Delta

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  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (34) Health

    Microbial safety

    AMVD Reference Document revision

    Dutch drinking water utilities need to demonstrate that drinking water is safe and does not spread any infectious diseases. To this end, they establish for each drinking water treatment process an Analysis of Microbial Safety of Drinking…

    Read more about AMVD Reference Document revision

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  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (35) Society

    Citizen science and public participation

    Socio-technological legitimisation of water-related reuse

    Institutional trust and legal and regulatory frameworks can contribute to the socio-technological legitimisation of new technologies for water-related reuse. In this study, twelve legitimisation strategies were identified (see…

    Read more about Socio-technological legitimisation of water-related reuse

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  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (36) Looking ahead

    Futures studies and response strategies

    BTO/WiCE 2024-2029: current and urgent

    The Onderzoeksvisie Gezamenlijk Wateronderzoek voor 2024-2029 voor BTO/WiCE (BTO/WiCE Research Vision of the Collective Water Research for 2024-2029) presents a varied and current programme with innovation, valuable knowledge development and a focus…

    Read more about BTO/WiCE 2024-2029: current and urgent

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  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (37) Health

    Biological activity

    Accelerate Energy Transition with Aquathermia 2.0

    In its National Climate Agreement, the Dutch government has made commitments to reducing the emission of CO2. One of the sectors referred to in the agreement is the built environment. Heat demand…

    Read more about Accelerate Energy Transition with Aquathermia 2.0

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  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (38) Health

    Biological activity

    Effect of temperature on the growth of opportunistic pathogens

    In this study we investigate how the increase in the temperature of drinking water influences the growth of particular pathogens, known as opportunistic pathogens, in the drinking water…

    Read more about Effect of temperature on the growth of opportunistic pathogens

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  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (39) Looking ahead

    Futures studies and response strategies

    Alternative Drinking Water Sources

    Safeguarding microbial safety in the use of alternative drinking water sources is an important subject of concern for the future. For this reason, drinking water utilities are researching the potential of new…

    Read more about Alternative Drinking Water Sources

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  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (40) Sustainability

    Sustainable use of freshwater resources

    The Ultimate Water Plant

    The Ultimate Water Plant is a collaborative project involving parties in the water sector who want to demonstrate how, and subject to which conditions, treated sewage can be made available as a supplementary source of drinking water.…

    Read more about The Ultimate Water Plant

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  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (41) Health

    Biological activity

    ProVe IT-LT: Proven Safe and Innovative Hot Tap Water at Low Temperature

    A low temperature (LT; 50 °C) in heating networks offers various advantages, such as reduced heat loss during heat distribution. Moreover, a low supply temperature is also increasingly…

    Read more about ProVe IT-LT: Proven Safe and Innovative Hot Tap Water at Low Temperature

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  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (42) Society

    Citizen science and public participation

    Longitudinal customer research

    Longitudinal customer research can help drinking water utilities better tailor their services to their customers. To enable the best possible design of these studies, an ‘ideal’ questionnaire has been developed, as a part of a larger whole.…

    Read more about Longitudinal customer research

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  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (43) Society

    Citizen science and public participation

    The customer as tourist

    For the drinking water utilities customers are not only drinking water consumers. As tourists they also use the nature areas that these organisations manage. What is the perception of the customer as tourists? And to what extent…

    Read more about The customer as tourist

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  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (44) Sustainability

    Sustainable use of freshwater resources

    The role of sludge in infiltration ponds in OMP removal during dune infiltration

    Drinking water utilities that use dune infiltration or riverbank filtration employ infiltration ponds with a sludge layer. This project investigates the role played by the thickness and conditions…

    Read more about The role of sludge in infiltration ponds in OMP removal during dune infiltration

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  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (45) Enabling technologies

    Innovative water treatment technologies

    ANCHOR: broad knowledge development about urban water reuse

    In this project, we will study the application of water reuse in the built environment from technical, societal, governance and economic perspectives. The goal is to establish a…

    Read more about ANCHOR: broad knowledge development about urban water reuse

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  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (46) Health

    Biological activity

    Biological treatment of RO concentrate

    Reverse osmosis (RO) is a water treatment technique that involves the use of semi-permeable membranes to remove unwanted molecules and particles. It is an effective way of extracting a wide variety of…

    Read more about Biological treatment of RO concentrate

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  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (47) Health

    Biological activity

    Risk of L. pneumophila with heating networks

    In this project, a qualitative microbiological risk analysis is being conducted to determine the effect of using heating networks for domestic connections on the number of patients with L.pneumophila. In addition, we…

    Read more about Risk of L. pneumophila with heating networks

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  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (48) Sustainability

    Climate change and resilience

    VIPNL: Wetland crops on water-rich peat

    This project is investigating how wetland agriculture on water-rich peat can help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and land subsidence, and deliver improvements in water quality and biodiversity. The focus is on…

    Read more about VIPNL: Wetland crops on water-rich peat

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  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (49) Health

    Safe innovation and the water sector

    TUBES as a controlled test environment for low-threshold pilot projects

    In this project, we are investigating the possibilities and limitations of distributed-optical-fibre detection techniques in a controlled test environment. This projectis being organised in a broad alliance of…

    Read more about TUBES as a controlled test environment for low-threshold pilot projects

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  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (50) Health

    Emerging contaminants

    Lead from brass components – phase III

    This project examines the Dutch drinking water sector’s sampling protocol to control lead concentrations at the tap. With a tightening of the lead standard, the performance of this protocol needs to be…

    Read more about Lead from brass components – phase III

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  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (51) Enabling technologies

    Future-proof networks

    Insight into connecting pipes

    There is still not enough attention being paid to connecting pipes in the transport and distribution network of the Dutch water utilities and De Watergroep in Flanders. Our understanding of the condition, failure probability and residual lifespan…

    Read more about Insight into connecting pipes

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  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (52) Enabling technologies

    Future-proof networks

    Impact of internal factors on malfunctions

    Can malfunctions and/or repair work and pump operations lead to new malfunctions in the mains? This project will investigate this question by determining whether there is a statistical relationship between these factors…

    Read more about Impact of internal factors on malfunctions

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  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (53) Enabling technologies

    Future-proof networks

    Quantitative added value of digital water meters and other sensors at customer locations

    What are the benefits for the distribution process of different versions of smart water meters and the additional sensors? In this project, quantitative descriptions and model studies will…

    Read more about Quantitative added value of digital water meters and other sensors at customer locations

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  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (54) Enabling technologies


    Improving the reliability and practicality of an AI-based tool for data validation and correction

    Water companies are increasingly using sensor data for advanced process monitoring and control for key variables. They are therefore increasingly reliant on high-quality data. In this project, the…

    Read more about Improving the reliability and practicality of an AI-based tool for data validation and correction

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  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (55) Sustainability

    Sustainable use of freshwater resources

    Reduction of pressure on groundwater through reuse of water from dairy plants in agriculture

    Groundwater in the Netherlands is under pressure, both in terms of quantity and quality. Groundwater is used in several activities, including drinking water production, agriculture and industry. In…

    Read more about Reduction of pressure on groundwater through reuse of water from dairy plants in agriculture

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  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (56) Enabling technologies


    Digital water – building a conceptual cost-benefit framework based on the experiences of frontrunners

    Several water companies at home and abroad have taken far-reaching steps in digitising their operations. In this project, we deepen our understanding of the drivers of frontrunners for…

    Read more about Digital water – building a conceptual cost-benefit framework based on the experiences of frontrunners

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  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (57) Health

    Biological activity

    Evaluation of Aeromonas legal standard

    Since the 1980s Aeromonas in drinking water has been included as a microbiological parameter in the Dutch Drinking Water Decree. Currently, Aeromonas standard exceedances are generally tolerated, partly because it is unclear…

    Read more about Evaluation of Aeromonas legal standard

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  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (58) Sustainability

    Climate change and resilience

    Biomonitoring of atmospheric nitrogen deposition with mosses

    It was expected that the emission of nitrogen during the COVID-19 crisis and the lockdowns would diminish because of the sharp reduction in human activities. This would apply…

    Read more about Biomonitoring of atmospheric nitrogen deposition with mosses

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  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (59) Society


    Automatic water-quality control for good recirculation water in greenhouse horticulture

    Greenhouse horticulture irrigation water, when recirculated, acquires a complex composition. The impact this has on crops is for the most part unknown. The possibility of determining whether the…

    Read more about Automatic water-quality control for good recirculation water in greenhouse horticulture

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  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (60) Health

    Biological activity

    Biological stability parameters in operational practice

    New methods for determining and predicting biological stability developed since 2010 are applied less often in daily drinking water practice than are the previously existing older methods. This,…

    Read more about Biological stability parameters in operational practice

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  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (61) Health

    Microbial safety

    Fast alternative for the heterotrophic plate count at 22°C (HPC22) following interventions in the drinking water distribution system

    This project will determine which method is suitable for the detection of anomalies in the microbial water quality following maintenance activities or pipe breaks in the drinking water…

    Read more about Fast alternative for the heterotrophic plate count at 22°C (HPC22) following interventions in the drinking water distribution system

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  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (62) Looking ahead

    Futures studies and response strategies

    PUSH-IT: demonstration and development of seasonal underground heat storage systems

    The EU aims to become carbon neutral by 2050. Large-scale seasonal underground heat storage has an important part to play in meeting this objective, because heating and cooling…

    Read more about PUSH-IT: demonstration and development of seasonal underground heat storage systems

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  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (63) Sustainability

    Sustainable use of freshwater resources

    Solar panels on water reservoirs

    Drinking water reservoirs have a large water surface. The installation of floating solar panels on reservoirs can be an effective strategy to generate energy. However, the question is, if and what impacts do solar panels have on…

    Read more about Solar panels on water reservoirs

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  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (64) Sustainability

    Sustainable energy

    Power-to-X Province of Utrecht

    The energy system of the Netherlands must become clean and future-proof, but also remain reliable and affordable. Local production of sustainable solar or wind energy will play an important part in this effort. In order to accelerate…

    Read more about Power-to-X Province of Utrecht

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  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (65) Health

    Emerging contaminants

    Water Quality Knowledge Impulse

    Over the past four years, work in the Water Quality Knowledge Impulse has focused on learning more about the quality of groundwater and surface water, and the factors that affect that quality. The aim of the Water…

    Read more about Water Quality Knowledge Impulse

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  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (66) Health

    Emerging contaminants

    PARC: European partnership for the assessment of risks from chemicals

    The EU-wide research and innovation programme PARC was established in order to improve the risk assessment and sustainability of chemicals. The PARC project will strengthen the scientific basis…

    Read more about PARC: European partnership for the assessment of risks from chemicals

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  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (67) Sustainability

    Sustainable use of freshwater resources

    Chances for Concentrate

    In this project, we are investigating how the circular processing of concentrated residual streams can contribute to future-resilient and socially responsible freshwater supplies. This involves recovering water and producing raw materials for which there is a market.…

    Read more about Chances for Concentrate

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  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (68) Health

    Emerging contaminants

    Implementation of screening and NTS methods in practice

    Drinking water laboratories have recently expressed a need for the further integration of screening methods, including non-target screening (NTS), in the methods used to monitor water quality. Technological…

    Read more about Implementation of screening and NTS methods in practice

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  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (69) Health

    Emerging contaminants

    Environmental forensics: pollution signatures

    The presence of anthropogenic substances in the drinking water chain poses challenges for the water sector, and specifically for drinking water companies. That presence is undesirable, and sometimes even problematic. Although treatment…

    Read more about Environmental forensics: pollution signatures

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  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (70) Enabling technologies


    Big data – analysis and integration of chemical and toxicological data

    Monitoring the water quality of drinking water is challenging due to the presence of complex mixtures of mostly unknown substances that vary in concentration and composition. Over the…

    Read more about Big data – analysis and integration of chemical and toxicological data

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  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (71) Sustainability

    Climate change and resilience

    Effect-based monitoring of water quality in the circular economy

    Freshwater from groundwater or surface water sources is becoming scarce in dry periods, driving a rise in interest in the use/re-use of rainwater and treated domestic and industrial…

    Read more about Effect-based monitoring of water quality in the circular economy

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  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (72) Health

    Emerging contaminants

    Drugs production waste in groundwater: field research and action perspectives

    Little is still known about the impact of the long-term or extensive discharge of chemical waste from the production of synthetic drugs (SYNDRU) on groundwater quality and therefore…

    Read more about Drugs production waste in groundwater: field research and action perspectives

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  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (73) Health

    Emerging contaminants

    Toxicology on Target

    The domain of toxicological risk assessment is constantly evolving and it is essential to follow these developments closely. It has been noted that an adequate response to water quality issues requires the ongoing development of knowledge and…

    Read more about Toxicology on Target

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  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (74) Health

    Emerging contaminants

    Microplastics in water treatment

    Plastics are a ubiquitous part of everyday life and they are found in fresh water throughout the Netherlands. In this project, we describe the nature and levels of microplastics (20 - 500 µm) at different stages of…

    Read more about Microplastics in water treatment

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  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (75) Enabling technologies


    Text mining for the early detection of relevant water pollutants

    Long before substances are included in regulations and monitoring programmes, text sources such as reports, social media, press releases, regulatory agency websites or the scientific literature can provide…

    Read more about Text mining for the early detection of relevant water pollutants

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  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (76) Health

    Emerging contaminants

    Are PMOCs less toxic?

    Persistent mobile organic compounds (PMOC) accumulate in the water cycle and are hardly removed during water treatment. For a long time, these substances have been under-researched but recent studies show that they are present in worrying concentrations.…

    Read more about Are PMOCs less toxic?

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  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (77) Health

    Emerging contaminants

    Nanoplastics in drinking water

    It is becoming increasingly clear that plastic is everywhere. That has been demonstrated in numerous environmental compartments, including soil, sediment, surface water and air. Data about the presence of microplastic particles in surface water are sparse, and…

    Read more about Nanoplastics in drinking water

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  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (78) Health

    Emerging contaminants

    Water-soluble polymers – Eyes and ears for Chemical Safety 2019-2020

    Water-soluble polymers are often neglected because they are not covered by the definition of microplastics and are not visible. As a result, very little is still known about…

    Read more about Water-soluble polymers – Eyes and ears for Chemical Safety 2019-2020

  • >
  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (79) Health

    Biological activity

    VO Eyes and ears for Chemical Safety 2019-2020 (LDIR and biofilm)

    The regrowth and biofilm formation of micro-organisms on pipe material and membranes lead to problems in drinking water systems. To combat biofilm formation, a knowledge of the dynamics…

    Read more about VO Eyes and ears for Chemical Safety 2019-2020 (LDIR and biofilm)

  • >
  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (80) Health

    Emerging contaminants

    Clearer picture of the formation of transformation products during drinking water treatment thanks to integrated strategies

    During drinking water production, biotic and antibiotic processes can form transformation products (TP) from organic micropollutants (OMP). How these substances behave in water treatment and how toxic they…

    Read more about Clearer picture of the formation of transformation products during drinking water treatment thanks to integrated strategies

  • >
  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (81) Enabling technologies

    New materials and technologies

    Improved prioritisation and fragmentation improve the identification of unknown substances with non-target screening

    Non-target screening (NTS) is based on the combination of liquid chromatography in conjunction with high-resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS). In addition, tailored data analysis, with target and suspect screening,…

    Read more about Improved prioritisation and fragmentation improve the identification of unknown substances with non-target screening

  • >
  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (82) Health

    Emerging contaminants

    Contribution to Toxicology Knowledge Impulse

    We are making and using more and more substances in larger and larger quantities. Analyses by collaborating European ecologists and ecotoxicologists have shown that exposure to mixtures of chemicals is a limiting…

    Read more about Contribution to Toxicology Knowledge Impulse

  • >
  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (83) Health

    Emerging contaminants

    Survey of drug waste emission pathways and relevance for the drinking water sector

    The Netherlands has a thriving illegal industry for the production of synthetic drugs such as amphetamine (speed), MDMA (XTC) and “designer drugs”. It releases all kinds of waste…

    Read more about Survey of drug waste emission pathways and relevance for the drinking water sector

  • >
  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (84) Health

    Emerging contaminants

    Integration of non-target screening, statistical analyses and bioassays for the global assessment of chemical water quality

    Thanks to developments in screening methods based on high-resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS), the detection of chemicals in water now not only allows for the detection of specific substances…

    Read more about Integration of non-target screening, statistical analyses and bioassays for the global assessment of chemical water quality

  • >
  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (85) Health

    Emerging contaminants

    Highly polar compounds I

    An understanding of the presence of highly polar compounds in sources of drinking water is important because these substances can threaten drinking water supplies. This is because highly polar compounds can spread well in water and soil,…

    Read more about Highly polar compounds I

  • >
  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (86) Health

    Emerging contaminants

    New chemical analysis methods

    The world around us is changing rapidly and new techniques emerge regularly. The ongoing assessment of detection technologies (instrumental and otherwise) makes it possible to identify their possible value for the water sector in good time. BTO…

    Read more about New chemical analysis methods

  • >
  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (87) Health

    Biological activity

    Trigger value data gaps I and II

    There are a lot of advantages to testing water quality with in vitro bioassays but this technique can only be properly applied if the bioassay responses can be compared with ‘effect-based trigger values’ (EBT). This study determines…

    Read more about Trigger value data gaps I and II

  • >
  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (88) Health

    Emerging contaminants

    Exploration of sources, behaviour and risk of new substances

    At present, the count for substances with a CAS number stands at over 194 million. New substances are being registered, produced and applied at a rapid pace. The…

    Read more about Exploration of sources, behaviour and risk of new substances

  • >
  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (89) Enabling technologies


    Digital twins for the water sector

    'Digital twins' is the buzzword of recent years in many industries, including the water industry. The term is used to indicate digital representations (copies in some way) of physical systems. In some…

    Read more about Digital twins for the water sector

  • >
  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (90) Enabling technologies

    Innovative water treatment technologies

    Effects of interventions in the distribution network on the existing microorganisms: DNA techniques offer clarity

    Earlier research by Evides Waterbedrijf revealed that the number and composition of microbial populations can change during the distribution process of drinking water. This 2018 research was undertaken…

    Read more about Effects of interventions in the distribution network on the existing microorganisms: DNA techniques offer clarity

  • >
  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (91) Health

    Emerging contaminants

    Computer models for water quality assessment

    Around the world, the number of different contaminants that are found in water is increasing. With new, emerging substances and substances that may be produced in the environment or during water treatment…

    Read more about Computer models for water quality assessment

  • >
  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (92) Health

    Biological activity

    Risk of opportunistic pathogens in drinking water

    The water utilities have indicated that research into opportunistic pathogens in drinking water has a high priority. This is because these pathogens could represent a potential health risk. This project’s priority is…

    Read more about Risk of opportunistic pathogens in drinking water

  • >
  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (93) Enabling technologies


    Digital twin for treatment process

    A digital twin provides water utilities with a firm foundation for the transition towards a (more) data-driven organisation, with prospects of optimisation, better insight or more effective management. Many organisations want to…

    Read more about Digital twin for treatment process

  • >
  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (94) Health

    Biological activity

    Exploratory Research: Water Quality Footprint

    The water sector is today actively working on CO2 emission reduction (and climate neutrality). Up until now, the possibility of including water quality improvement in environmental impact methodologies has however been very…

    Read more about Exploratory Research: Water Quality Footprint

  • >
  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (95) Health

    Microbial safety

    Passive sampling of microbiological parameters

    The aim of this project is to establish a picture of whether passive sampling for microbiological detection can deliver added value over taking samples. Passive sampling is a way of sampling chemicals…

    Read more about Passive sampling of microbiological parameters

  • >
  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (96) Health

    Emerging contaminants

    Improved water quality through advanced oxidation and dune infiltration

    The Dunea drinking water utility uses surface water to produce drinking water by means of dune filtration. In the decades ahead, the quality of the river water that…

    Read more about Improved water quality through advanced oxidation and dune infiltration

  • >
  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (97) Health

    Emerging contaminants

    VHP4Safety: Towards chemical safety assessment based on human data

    Chemical safety assessment, designed to minimise the risks of chemical exposures to human health and the environment, has traditionally been based on animal testing. Many natural and man-made…

    Read more about VHP4Safety: Towards chemical safety assessment based on human data

  • >
  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (98) Sustainability

    Sustainable use of freshwater resources

    Reducing drinking-water consumption by business

    There has been an increasing emphasis in recent years on water savings and water awareness among domestic clients. A similar research focus is needed for business and that is the aim of…

    Read more about Reducing drinking-water consumption by business

  • >
  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (99) Sustainability

    Climate change and resilience

    GRROW – Generational and Radical Rethinking of the Water Sector

    The GRROW project will have a sequel: the GRROW lab! If you want to participate as a participant, register now via this link. or visit the GRROW-lab project…

    Read more about GRROW – Generational and Radical Rethinking of the Water Sector

  • >
  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (100) Sustainability

    Sustainable use of freshwater resources

    Digital Twin for the development of data and model to support ASR management systems

    Subsurface water storage, also known as Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR), of excess freshwater can play an important role in enhancing the sustainability of water use in the…

    Read more about Digital Twin for the development of data and model to support ASR management systems

  • >
  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (101) Sustainability

    Sustainable resources

    Power-to-Protein: efficient input of hydrogen (phase 3)

    In recent years great progress has been achieved within the TKI Water Technology programme with the Power-to-Protein concept: the recovery of ammonium from the wastewater cycle for use…

    Read more about Power-to-Protein: efficient input of hydrogen (phase 3)

  • >
  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (102) Sustainability

    Sustainable use of freshwater resources

    Connecting the water cycle and the water system for a better balance of water demand and supply

    Sufficient freshwater, for all users and functions. This is also a growing challenge in the Netherlands and Flanders. A solution is being sought in self-provision at the regional…

    Read more about Connecting the water cycle and the water system for a better balance of water demand and supply

  • >
  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (103) Health

    Biological activity

    Predicting the biodegradation of organic micropollutants

    Drinking and wastewater companies have to work with problem substances that are not removed, or not removed properly, during the treatment process. In this new exploratory study, we…

    Read more about Predicting the biodegradation of organic micropollutants

  • >
  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (104) Health

    Safe innovation and the water sector


    How should the world achieve high-quality water services in the future while facing severe climate, economic and population pressures under deep uncertainty? Water-Futures, a 10M Euros European Research Council (ERC) funded project (ERC Synergy Grant), aims to…

    Read more about Water-Futures

  • >

All projects()


  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (105)

    EU Environmental Technology Verification (ETV)

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  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (106)

    Collective research on Water in the Circular Economy (WiCE)

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  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (107)

    World Health Organization (WHO)

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  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (108)

    Global Water Research Coalition (GWRC)

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  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (109)

    Water Europe

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  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (110)

    Aqua Research Collaboration (ARC)

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  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (111)


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  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (112)

    Allied Waters

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  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (113)


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  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (114)

    TKI Water Technology

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  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (115)

    European research

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  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (116)

    Joint Research Programme with the water utilities

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  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (117)

    Dune water company joint research (DPWE)

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All collaborations()


  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (118)

    Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (119) Sustainability

    Public Design for Water

    Water = life: for nature and for people. The availability of water of sufficient quality…

    Read more about Public Design for Water

  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (120)

    Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (121) Health

    Biological activity

    Growth of microorganisms in (drinking) water can present risks to public health and lead to…

    Read more about Biological activity

  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (122)

    Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (123) Health

    Emerging contaminants

    Emerging contaminants are a possible threat to the public health and environment. KWR develops smarter,…

    Read more about Emerging contaminants

  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (124)

    Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (125) Health

    Microbial safety

    Water safety is vital. Citizens must be able to drink and swim in safe water,…

    Read more about Microbial safety

  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (126)

    Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (127) Health

    Safe innovation and the water sector

    Technological innovations can involve risks to (drinking) water and public health. Greater public awareness, and…

    Read more about Safe innovation and the water sector

  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (128)

    Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (129) Sustainability

    Sustainable use of freshwater resources

    Access to sufficient and clean freshwater is not a given. Globally, the water sector is…

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  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (130)

    Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (131) Sustainability

    Climate change and resilience

    The water sector needs practice-oriented research to help it confront the wide-ranging consequences of climate…

    Read more about Climate change and resilience

  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (132)

    Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (133) Sustainability

    Sustainable energy

    There is a worldwide drive to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and shift to cleaner, more…

    Read more about Sustainable energy

  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (134)

    Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (135) Sustainability

    Sustainable resources

    The circular economy is the alternative to the current – essentially linear – economy. While…

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  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (136)

    Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (137) Society

    Stakeholder involvement and governance

    Stakeholder engagement is an effective means of connecting technical and social-governance issues. KWR has a…

    Read more about Stakeholder involvement and governance

  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (138)

    Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (139) Society

    Citizen science and public participation

    Increased citizen engagement is confronting the water sector with steadily growing demands. A connection needs…

    Read more about Citizen science and public participation

  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (140)

    Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (141) Society


    Given the urgency of current water challenges, public authorities, utilities and industry feel a strong…

    Read more about Valorisation

  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (142)

    Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (143) Looking ahead

    Futures studies and response strategies

    Futures research improves the resilience of the water sector by supporting anticipatory governance and by…

    Read more about Futures studies and response strategies

  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (144)

    Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (145) Enabling technologies


    Genomic techniques are developing at a very rapid pace in health, life, forensic and environmental…

    Read more about Hydrogenomics

  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (146)

    Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (147) Enabling technologies


    Hydroinformatics is the application of information technology in its broadest sense on water-cycle related issues,…

    Read more about Hydroinformatics

  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (148)

    Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (149) Enabling technologies

    Innovative water treatment technologies

    Drinking water treatment is subject to many demands and, today, the challenges it faces are…

    Read more about Innovative water treatment technologies

  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (150)

    Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (151) Enabling technologies

    Future-proof networks

    Even if the Netherlands has a superbly functioning drinking water network, parts of it are…

    Read more about Future-proof networks

  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (152)

    Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (153) Enabling technologies

    New materials and technologies

    Detecting and removing emerging contaminants calls for advanced materials and technologies. KWR develops knowledge about…

    Read more about New materials and technologies

All subjects()


  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (154)

    Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (155)


    Read moreaboutESTAR

  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (156)

    Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (157)


    Read moreaboutHomeWaterLab

  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (158)

    Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (159)


    Read moreaboutTUBES

  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (160)

    Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (161)


    Read moreaboutREWAB

  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (162)

    Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (163)


    Read moreaboutAquaPriori

  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (164)

    Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (165)


    Read moreaboutEDWARD

  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (166)

    Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (167)

    HydroMonitor 1.0

    Read moreaboutHydroMonitor 1.0

  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (168)

    Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (169)

    Governance Capacity Analysis

    Read moreaboutGovernance Capacity Analysis

  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (170)

    Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (171)

    Contamination Source Toolkit

    Read moreaboutContamination Source Toolkit

  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (172)

    Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (173)

    WaterVision Nature

    Read moreaboutWaterVision Nature

  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (174)

    Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (175)


    Read moreaboutComsima

  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (176)

    Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (177)


    Read moreaboutGondwana

  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (178)

    Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (179)


    Read moreaboutUSTORE

  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (180)

    Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (181)


    Read moreaboutMenyanthes

  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (182)

    Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (183)


    Read moreaboutSIMDEUM

  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (184)

    Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (185)

    Self-Cleaning Networks

    Read moreaboutSelf-Cleaning Networks

  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (186)

    Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (187)

    Network Flow Performance

    Read moreaboutNetwork Flow Performance

  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (188)

    Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (189)

    Mains Investment Planning

    Read moreaboutMains Investment Planning

  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (190)

    Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (191)

    Water-Use Info

    Read moreaboutWater-Use Info

  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (192)

    Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (193)


    Read moreaboutOptiValves

  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (194)

    Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (195)

    City Blueprint

    Read moreaboutCity Blueprint

  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (196)

    Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (197)

    Clean Membrane

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  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (198)


    RECREATE: a system-wide look at the water system

    PWN and KWR are working together in the European RECREATE project about alternative water sources.

    Read moreaboutRECREATE: a system-wide look at the water system

  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (199)


    Social science research: the people behind the water meter

    In the new BTO phase, the Customer theme group will continue to invest in understanding and serving drinking…

    Read moreaboutSocial science research: the people behind the water meter

  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (200)


    Improved insight and control with Digital Twins at water utilities

    Digital twins provide water utilities with a new tool to increase the understanding and control of systems and…

    Read moreaboutImproved insight and control with Digital Twins at water utilities

  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (204)


    KWR joins the Dutch Society of Toxicology in its 45th Anniversary

    On 18 and 19 June, the Dutch Society of Toxicology's 45th anniversary symposium brought together 200 toxicologists, including…

    Read moreaboutKWR joins the Dutch Society of Toxicology in its 45th Anniversary

  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (207)


    Nature article on risk management for droughts and floods most cited in 2023

    Marjolein van Huijgevoort wins KWR’s 2023 Willem Koerselman Prize for her contribution to a Nature article on risk…

    Read moreaboutNature article on risk management for droughts and floods most cited in 2023

  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (208)


    Ad van Wijk receives Global Solar Leaders Award

    Professor Ad van Wijk received the Global Solar Leaders Award on 12 June 2024. This award is one…

    Read moreaboutAd van Wijk receives Global Solar Leaders Award

  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (209)


    Room for the implementation of research methods

    During the next BTO phase, the Biological Safety theme group will be focusing more, in addition to research,…

    Read moreaboutRoom for the implementation of research methods

  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (210)


    Singapore honours Gertjan Medema with the Lee Kuan Yew Water Prize 2024

    On 18 June, the President of Singapore, Mr Tharman, awarded KWR-microbiologist Gertjan Medema the Lee Kuan Yew Water…

    Read moreaboutSingapore honours Gertjan Medema with the Lee Kuan Yew Water Prize 2024

  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (211)


    Approval of RT-PCR to measure intestinal enterococci

    The RT-PCR method has been approved for detecting intestinal enterococci in drinking water, allowing drinking water companies to…

    Read moreaboutApproval of RT-PCR to measure intestinal enterococci

  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (212)


    VHP4Safety Designathon: Working together on human risk assessment

    On 13 May, the 5th VHP4Safety Designathon took place, in which project partners, stakeholders and potential end users,…

    Read moreaboutVHP4Safety Designathon: Working together on human risk assessment

  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (217)

    Water Sector

    Effluent as a promising solution for greenhouse horticulture

    The TKI project ‘Securing effluent rwzi for greenhouse horticulture sector’ demonstrates that the use of treated effluent as…

    Read moreaboutEffluent as a promising solution for greenhouse horticulture

  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (218)


    Reusing residual water from the dairy industry can contribute to the water transition

    The dairy sector can make a significant contribution to the water transition by reusing residual water. In the…

    Read moreaboutReusing residual water from the dairy industry can contribute to the water transition

  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (219)


    Plea for integrated approach when tackling pollutants

    Doctorate research contributes to a better understanding of the effects of mixture toxicity and emphasises the importance of…

    Read moreaboutPlea for integrated approach when tackling pollutants

  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (220)


    “Everyone is welcome to work with WiCE”

    The WiCE (Water in the Circular Economy) programme led by Joep van den Broeke and Henk-Jan van Alphen…

    Read moreabout“Everyone is welcome to work with WiCE”

  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (221)

    Water Sector

    Knowledge as the fuel for the future

    KLIMAP, a TKI project focusing on climate-resilient planning for sandy soils in the southern and eastern Netherlands, has…

    Read moreaboutKnowledge as the fuel for the future

  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (222)


    TKI Water Technology – 2023 Annual Report: helping to shape the innovation policy

    TKI Water Technology - Annual Report 2023: looking back at successfully completed projects and looking ahead at how…

    Read moreaboutTKI Water Technology – 2023 Annual Report: helping to shape the innovation policy

  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (223)


    Dragan Savic hands over CEO role to Mariëlle van der Zouwen

    KWR CEO Dragan Savic has decided to step down from his role effective 1 June 2024. He is…

    Read moreaboutDragan Savic hands over CEO role to Mariëlle van der Zouwen

  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (224)


    Highlights from SETAC Europe: Advancing Environmental Science and Collaboration in Seville

    The 34th annual SETAC Europe meeting in Seville brought together more than 3,000 participants to discuss the latest…

    Read moreaboutHighlights from SETAC Europe: Advancing Environmental Science and Collaboration in Seville

All news items()


  • 11-15


    IWA Toronto 2024

    From Sunday 11 August to Thursday 15 August 2024, the IWA World Water Congress & Exhibition is taking…

    Read moreaboutIWA Toronto 2024

  • Installation construction technician (32-40 hours per week) - KWR (2024)
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    Article information

    Author: Domingo Moore

    Last Updated:

    Views: 6342

    Rating: 4.2 / 5 (53 voted)

    Reviews: 84% of readers found this page helpful

    Author information

    Name: Domingo Moore

    Birthday: 1997-05-20

    Address: 6485 Kohler Route, Antonioton, VT 77375-0299

    Phone: +3213869077934

    Job: Sales Analyst

    Hobby: Kayaking, Roller skating, Cabaret, Rugby, Homebrewing, Creative writing, amateur radio

    Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.