The Commercial Appeal from Memphis, Tennessee (2024)

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The Commercial Appeali

Memphis, Tennessee

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THE COMMERCIAL APPEAL MEMPHIS SUNDAY MORNING JULY 3 MSS 4 SECTION And Brothers Threats Prelude To the Battle of To State the Helens Title-Leader Wins Again In Legion Loop Wlvit Arc Your Requirements? Hampton Chattanooga's King Impressive In Intercollegiate Meet You Can Get It On the Fourth Lots of folks sre going to leave town for the Fourth of July but so far they have been unable to prove have any better time than the people they leave behind in the weltering city In the first place the folks who stsy at home won't he convinced It will be any less sweltering somewhere else and in the second plsce I Fourth Place Auto Hitter SK of their members snd guests Tops Southern Regulars With 342 Average Losing 17 ANDY REESE MOVING UP Trailed By Joe Grace Chicks Show Better Fielding And Hitting Averages Sherwood Makes l'lana Take for instance the Memphis At Ridgcwny Bob Brown hns srrangrd for a blind bogey (or the men golfers and a flag tournament for the women with the added prizes for low net snd low putts for the women tennis competition and swimming raers Chickasaw's arrangements include a flag tournament for ail the members and a big barbecue dinner Aa one of the mentbere explained "it'll kinds be a spend-the day parly" A surey of the public courses show bookings from dawn to sunset for the pay-as-you-plny goiters So be it golf ming there promises to be an untouchable sunburn come Tuesday aMfi i- with ample tune in between for the tounliy Club Shrrwood comers and officials are get-going Blr rr'w NOTHING I COULD DO Noticed Slacking Of Rival's Pace The standings mav not show It but the Chicks have been up the average scale fashion the figures through Wed nesdHy's games reveal i are 'to dark 'there'll be a big1 Add to this the tennia powwibili-but they Lstedftheir fielding of fireworks out near thetir at centage from 966 to 969 and arClfMlh tee grounds the iotina- arch- i-nur lunen tied with the Barons for the honor I Or take the Colonial Club for other points skeel a i scorelesa victory and their third of being ths second best fielding i your example The program reads i cry and ot course i the season Dempsey Dwyer aoii'li-club in the league The digits to stage a flag tournament like this: flag tournament in the 1 galore tennl I-iinibert see Tech lliii paw tossed a no-hit no-run garnn BIG ENTRY ASSURED tfashville Flam Biff Group At -Touniaxnnt July 13-16 Cum ininffi and Houck Head Mem-phii Delegation By TED NORTHINGTON Mr Lewie William Oebmlg who happen to be the golf champion ortho state of Tenneasee Is coming to Jackson next week in very happy and confident frame of mind little condition la going to make the Chattanoogan very difficult to shunt off the powder-laden track that leads to the throne but from hither and yon throughout the Volunteer State dire threats pour In from our beat ehotmakers pointed directly at the gentleman known aa Lew Confidence Returns However young Mr Oehmig who did quite a bit of successful business in the National Intercollegiate! Championship at Louisville the represented the University of Virginia) has that experience to bol-Hter a seldom lagging co*cksureness which might have dropped to a low ebb when he found himself suddenly ensconced among the hack-1 ere of the fifth flight in the Southern Amateur at Pont Vedra Fla More prominent in the long list of threats comes from Lew's fellow Darden Hampton 1 long a dread figure in state golf HELEN JACOBS ELS STORY OFHER Leg Injury Proved Too Of a Handicap By HELEN JACOBS (At Tola to International News IMBLEDON England tells me leg injury iiuwcirri hip isrimtrci vniitin It going to be big we k- Seed dub garnered four scattered blows while last year's titlehnldi'i were gathering ten In the lmtii contest South Side broke a slrin of two consecutive defeats with 4 12-9 verdict over Highland Height lloyer Hits Homer Paul Boyer centerfielder and Finley Russell first socker wero South Side's lesding hitters llnye-turned in two home runs ami 1 double in three trips while Runm-ii slapped out four singles in as many BARRETT TO OPPOSE Finals Carded Today In Colonial Golf Tourney the Delinted Cotton would be encouraging if it weren't for the fact that the Tribe seems to be losing ball games Reese Gains 27 Taint Andy Reese wsi partly responsible for the Tribe's punch increase for in a week's time he brought his nverage up 27 from 303 to and moved into fourth place among the hitters of the circuit on the official figures Topping him re only Dee Miles of the Lookouts with 342 Johnny Hill of the Crackers with 338 and Murray Howell of the Barons with 332 among the regulars Miles still the real leader sloughed off a matter of 17 points during an unproductive seven days Billy Barrett i tn the finals of nM the Colonial Club's annual golf tournament for the second straight time and this year- he is the favorite Today he teen off in the 36-hole championship match against John McCormicK and should have better eiicces than in 1937 when he lost to Fondren who has turned professional The ginc SI Ii Ralil'C II 4 2 Parker rr 4 I 1 1 VI 3b 4 1 Hivrr cf 3 4 ii -ll lb 4 il Mann's I I Terrt 2b i'non Hamer 2 1 while Hill his threatened was lng just one The Lookout out-fielder has been at or near the top season but Hill Reese and world copyright ISM by Internal innI tn-aii -4y i- Nrwa Srrvlra All rlghta rrterved I ll0 fl1 JUBl eomlnK thir RrprodvriK'n in whir nr ia pan own The same applies to Joe airtctiy prohibited 1 Grace tbe fifth man who is slap- WIMBLEDON England July 2 ping the ball for 327 nowadays In the first set of my! Mile Has 109 Hits game with Miss Jacobs today our Miles was the first batter to play was practically even I 6 lunlre having v-a i i a a 109 to his credit and has scored SO I had a nice lead of four to two runBi ne game number as his team- whkh I lost because Miss Jacobs mate Frederick Sington Sington morning mixed four-ball four- some in the afternoon tennis and horseshoe pitching all day barhe cue dinner and dance on the tennis courts at night Southern Averages Jiu-lmllnc Nltht ramea n( Junr If Cumpil-rt hy Charm Miner CLL'B BATTINO li AB Prt Birmingham 77 I'V 10 VJtt 10 I'luiian'Hiaa 73 IIH) 31) SSL -2 Kiviavilll 74 2VJ3 3JI SSI 374 Atlanta 74 Illrt 341 (Ui InK Jitilr Bock 7 24 70 il 04S 2nA M-mphK "71 2340 31H 027 200 Nahnlln 71 2441 302 047 Nrw Urlrana 74 2410 3u2 041 -So ULl'B F1KIUINU Pi) A PPPi't 74 10U 027 74 40 074 71 103) MI4 SO 01 00 77 1004 SO) 02 47 000 70 1047 bob 03 72 Oml TJ 1073 014 imi 7J 000 74 100 SMI 00 40 000 71 lOUl 074 lnO 72 -OnJ New OMean 74 1070 S3S 111 S4 Obi INDIVIDUAL BATTIMI Fifteen Uamea Hiding 200 or Mura Player Club- AB RBI IVt 1 Fvan 21 42 10 10 0 J-' I Rironirr Nh 17 10 3 William All 30 04 II 22 Mile or Chat 3UI 40 HI Hill 3b All 22) Howell al Finn 0) 211 Keee lb Ml 71 207 lirace of Ml 70 240 blalizherser Kn 2) 40 VKuliay or Kna 40 210 220 2i0 3o i Aiiama Id pm phi a HirmmKfuim Lima Km riNttunouga Knivilia Nashville 10 mi 3 3b 41 41 47 3) 34 37 44 3 33 I) 2N 44 34 27 3d 43 44 4 43 44 33 44 3J 4 30 7 27 IS 31 3) J3H 44 432 4 J''S 4V 324 31 322 il 1211 31 jIV Vi il 41 31 yil JU 34 411 2 R1H 22 a ji i 22 1 i 3'rtt 3R 11 3 42 71 4 74 2 70 73 Ml 7 73 SS 17 SI 22 74 4 S') S3 7 71 74 114 134 '222 24 22 10 27 HI Shupp Kna it 3u liiil of Cbl 71 274 (ieorae 0 72 234 (llvnn Rhm 44 2lf HxnrvCl 3b Cht 71 27 Carlyle of NO 72 271 HI'wnrth 2b Chi 2M liny If Mfl 2n 31 SinKinn of Cht 73 2)3 Bnlimz lh A'l 70 33 Jnlinexn Bhm 34 4P 2b 47 213 Pet'rkm of 21 77 Shilling of 70 213 Richmond Sali lb Bali' ul i 1 si 3i 2'( 2 -I 2 '22 2J ii ii I Si I 2T 22 '21 rounds are scheduled at 9:30 and :13 o'clock semifinal matches Barrett disposed of Bob Davis 4 and 3 and McCormick took a one up decision from Boy Moure DEFEAT Much Service) July 2 my wsa the result of a recent mishap to my shoulder In trying to save the ahouidcr I was throwing too big a strain on my right leg I first felt the injury to my shoulder in my semifinal match against Alice Marble and Dr Dunning bad to give me special osteopathic treatment before I could move Hurt In Practice I aggravated this injury while practicing with Bill Tilden III yesterday For a moment I thought I would not be able to play today but the doctor bandaged my leg and I felt able to go on the court What artually happened was this: When the match stood at 4-4 in the first set and 40-30 with Mrs Moody serving I tried to reach a very fine passing shot on my right leg I felt as though something had torn Mrs Wightman (Mrs Hazel Hotchkiss Wightman) asked me if I wanted to change the bandage but 1 declined and continued playing although 1 was in very great pain Ta Nail July 9 I am sorry I could not play better but the pain was excruciating Before the match despite my bandage I felt full of confidence but I never thought the result was a foregone conclusion I am going home aboard the Georgic on July 9 and will be playing in the championships at Forest Hills where I hope again to meet Mrs Moody If I don't beat her I hope at all events to give ber a belter game than this afternoon has the most doubles 24 and Doc Richmond of the Oackera and i Majrfiii 2b Hhm Skinny Graham of the Travelers fu(' i'J the most triples nine each The home run leader is a Knoxville guy who will have to be reckoned one Maurice Van Ro-bays lie has hit 10 Not only that he is hitting 324 and has Puwer of Kn SO ('mpbell lb I 70 Haraih 3n Nub 32 Sami of Kn 14 Mdllnx A'l Ml Hudiia 2b N'n 72 linn of All -H3 MrlHjuaal Rhm Ml S-nll nl Bhm 77 Walker of Nab 7 Vfry She was plac- ing very well driving on the backhand chopped on the forehand It was difficult at this stage of the game to tell who would win the set Miss Jacobs won the next two games to make the score four-all Jn the ninth game there were Young Hurler Turns Back Delated Without a Run SOUTH SIDE PREVAILS Defeats Highland Heighti 12 to 6 Delinted Held to Four Blows in Steady Pitching Ef Leaderi Undefeated Gene last week while Highland Height defaulted In their first appearan against the Denies However PK I Ilium AND i abrhiii 2 I Y'llinz t-p 4 2 3 I 0 Harkrr 1 I 1) 1 I I llrimr If 4 I I 1 il II Srnilh lb 111 4 2 I litii 2b 3 i il III Wren il 3 il i i 1112 0 Sr-ili rf 1 I 31121 rf 1 0 I 1110 Fix it) 3 I I Totala 27Tr 1 in 210 oU 4 Mummarv: Krrvrfl Pavia 3 Munn'm I Bitrnr 3 flmith 3 Wffrt Riliu hrttiril I Prhir KuMifli 4 Kowlr Bcjrr 1 HahirulK1 Two-hAft Mtn HvAr Him 2 Yoii HthlrulKf- lft tin trtATN Mnulh rtilT llttfhlHtnl HriKhi rt Ham in bill if I Mfir'ier 4 off I tiff 4ruk mil Mv Nrtiiifr 11 Iiy Vi nr i Yotihu I rik i hTr Kwlrr Wmnii inii-fte-r HjttiiTr I'koiM1! imlj -Hirh 1 riipi1 Hiimir-r mI 1 vs fl iHif 1 4V JiHIN" A PFN1KH PK1 COTTON jtfi rhea fi 4 2 2 4 Rrthi0 ff 2 il i 'i Hriht Id 2 1 li Wrttrtnn HIM I I liiih 4 I I 2 2 lrt'rtmv IM l( 4 ii I 0 ii Rn-wn 3b 3 6 i 2 1 Klv if 3 1 I rf i 1 Vb 3 O'M rf 1 1 I 2 2 fl -t 3 li I Uai(hi rt 2 0 I 0 3b 3 12 0 0 RIMnf lh 2 I ii T-lnU "0 7 10 2M Trtln 2104 212 a- 1r Yrtim-rt cvrnth 1 in A hiirn 1G2 7 ('! -n Krfd i'0 (AUI 0 0 I rtnmmfv Krri Kllv R1w Tl' I Titni Irndnl in Lmitifrl Hrtnl rti Tvb'i-l htt Tliir'- LiiiMr tut S'Kiikitrl ImiiiI: Hloirn IhiiihV ilnv HlnnliHnt Km nr I iit I'ciiiM I'HiRli'l I Ml ii liitl uff Wm1ii rt irr Lnm-le auiti'M ii Uv WrijrlH loB-j Ui I'ltsiHl leiil I'M-utPlry B'l iii'tt tVritli r-hiri Mrunnfr 1 liOiflUH TiIIIT 1 Mli DENIE'S TO OPPOSE F( who have game Walk-Over In the fi amateur base Memphis for tha a portsid-er righthander the Welk-Overs Today Fountain of up with the o'clock this diamond game Clarenra Stroupe who pilots Red Seal Charcoal and ia the oldest active member of the league will lead the Men" while Johnny Farrell will manage the The squads: Old Men -Mac Me Parley 2h Jih Carlin rf Tommy i some very long rallies with Mies i Lrijen jn Th Jacobs coming to the net i i h-8 dcPart I ment Artie Prks of the Vola Lurky to In Long Game with 93 but Artie has participated I think it was at this time dur-1 In 70 games Andy Reese is seeing one of these rallies that a ten- ond with 91 in 71 games don in her ankle gave way because I Bill Crouch of the Vols won one I noticed a slacking in her pace I game in a week and still tops the noticed she looked down at her pitchers with 12 victories and but foot several times I was lucky to two defeats Garland Braxton of win this long game and the next the Pebbles has won 10 and lost But after that the pain in Helen's 1 two Best Chick regular is Carl ankle became much worse She 1 Doyle with seven victories and five Kennedy Captures First In Chickasaw Event Joe Kennedy scored a net 84 yesterday to win top award in the hall sweepstakes golf featnrp of the Chickasaw Club Second award was split betwern r- Snyder Gene McClure Jimmy Roms Claude Hoskinson and bVsnk Ragsdale In third place were Krllman A Bruce I Buch-25 man aa1 William Tschume rive Tie For rir8t In Tourney At Five players tied for first yes-44 lerduy in the hall sweepstakes tiiurnsmeiit at the Memphis Country Club They were Lilly Kilwnrd Bussell Kinch and I'r Mai shall Second were Hackney li Stout and Smith thiid Claude Crawford I Markle Coyer Swayne Latham swift Dr Gordon Earl King They wouldn't even smile for the cameraman these Helens as they waited for the starting signal at Wimbledon yesterday Helen Jacobs (right) fought Helen Wills Moody on even terms until a tendon in her right ankle gave way Then Mrs Moody swopt through the finals match 6-4 6-0 But tha cheering was for the crippled girl with the great heart Acaw Rail lo Trtophnto EIGHTH TENNIS TITLE (Continued From Page One) thing" she Mid hit that I couldn't possibly get and I agree that the only wise thing to do was to get it over with as quickly as possible the match was over Helen said 'too bad That's ail she said but please don't rub that in" Mrs Wightman close friend of both girls thought it was shame that everybody seems to be blaming Mrs Moody for finishing Miss Jacohs off so quickly" "I think that is unfair" she continued waa the only thing to do under the circ*mstances" Remember 1933 Incident Many in the crowd however recalled the now historic meeting between the two Helens in the 1933 American championships at Forest Hills On that occasion Miss Jacobs offered to stop play when Mrs Moody obviously was in distress Mrs Moody suffering from a back injury subsequently defaulted with the score 3-0 against her in the third the only time in 12 matches that Miss Jacobs ever beat her On one other thing all unbiased critics that Mrs Moody in superlative form had never played 1 first had hurt it in her semifinal round match with Alice Marble on Thursday After undergoing treat-men that night she injured it again in practice yesterday Dr Dunning explained tha Injury was the indirect result of the shoulder injury Miss Jacobs suffered some weeks ago forcing her to withdraw from the Wightman Cup matches and lending to her fainting apell in tha Wimbldeon Clubhouse just before her oeroud round match Dr Dunning said thaf Miss Jacobs favoring her injured shoulder had placed undue strain on her ankle The argumentative aftermath of the nintch between the two Helens still was rippling furiously through the stands when Mrs Moody shots i i I Gant and Denaux snd fourth Dr A Gardner and It Honnell i i i PILOT AT Hot Springs Catcher Replaces Bobby Schleicher At Helm Meet In Feature Of Double-Header At Hodges Field 'they engage the Ford V-s at 1 I o'clock this afternoon In the insu Rural or a double-header at Hodge i The nrnle's have been going great guns nnd are favored for an- defeats Continued From Page One) hia home course of Brae Burn end which left him 3 up starting the last round at the South Shore Country Club today Neither ever had seen the course here before today Seeks Return Mateh Guldahl was loath to accrpt the verdict as conclusive I purled poorly and have no alibi" he said don't think 36 holes Is a long enough test and I don't think it was quite fair to play part of it on Shute'a home course like to play him again In the Kali over 72 holea and over neutral course preferably one tough and long Thin rourse i South Shore) was too short for me" Shute immediately accepted the challenge ami the date and place will be decided Inter Though Guldahl' putter re- niAined cold today the National Open champion nevertheless was one under par for the 17 hole He Picked up only one hole on the A klnjCi with lJinny hoinB anything within 10 feet of the cup Mh(U( liy circles and the 193d medalist at Bpfle Meade In Nashville His brother Ted will also be along waving his fiery irons but Darden la" the hot one now and Chatta-nctygani who usually know out for Darden" Boyd Grant To ITay List also among the Chattanooga delegation veteran Polly Boyd four times winner of the stale title Johnny Grant a former city champion and "about 19 or 20 The Lookout City ia next in line for the state tournament and this time they seemingly Intend to feet it But think not only of the East Tennesseans There is quite a bit of" noise emanating from beyond WRIdraa's Ridge in the genet al vicinity of the state capiVsl These Nashvillians have been talking for several weeks now about the very excellent manner in wt)lch Mack Brothers ia hitting the ball muffling no whispers about ths way he is attacking par in a disturbing fashion at the Belle and Richland clubs Raker To Make Bid Then too there should be no lit-tla consideration for aeveral others who battle their way through NnHhvlIle'a smoke and fog For Instance there is Cullen Baker who won the medal in the Buntyn Cup tournament at the Memphis Country Club last year Jimmy Terry three times tbe city champion Jimmy Tupper prominent figure in Southern linksdom and Bob York a very able knocker are several youngsters who might surprise you saul the communication from one of tire city's mnny experts Then they jotted down the names of BtHy Napier the 19-year-old whose 1 H((bs are almost aa tall as he is Dudley Warner chubby but efficient and Billy Davidson another of tha younger flock "Knoxville isn't at ail sure about their entries but assure one and all that their delegation will be completely able to take care of itself Jsrkaon Has Entry Turn then to the smaller towns most prominent the host city which promises to have easily the largest delegation on hand July 13 when the qualifying call goes out Add to that able group the to dnrkhorses from Johnson City Clarksville Columbia Frank-lia-and way North East South and west But even with all that delegation standing there ready to fire Memphis is planning heavily on having somebody playing after the two days of denth" matches when two stalwart shot- makers step to the first tee Saturday with the champianship resting oa-thelr separate abilities to tuur tricky course In the better figures Listed at present as the Bluff City's best sre long hilling Johnny Cummings and Todd llouck the smiling iron master But they rank little higher than consistent Kil FeJJa the 1937 riinnerup l)tha Mason Alicea's best Johnny Katun former University of Tennessee team player Kmmet Joyner George Treadwell and last but hardly least tbe city champion Monie Grimes With tha prospects for ail these find more Jacksonian are planning to really get somewhere with their first stste tournament Entertainment lavish in its completeness Is planned The golferi have got to get their minds off the gsme somehow MOTORCYCLES TO RACE Postponed Fvents To Be Run Off Today At llarbin'a MotorcycL rare and stunts will be staged at 2:30 o'cloek this afternoon at liarbln't on Highway with outstanding Memphis riders taking part Tho event postponed Inst Sun-dag due to rain Is sponsored by tha Memphis Motorcycle Club and the Reds ii Club OVER TENNiSOUTCOME Opposite Emotions Over Success Failure Of Daughters SAN FRANCISCO July 2-fATl Clarence Wills snd Mrs Eula Jacobs heard the outcome of the match between their famous tennis playing daughters with mingled emotions today Mrs Wills whs happy her daugh- ter Helen Wilis Muudy had set a propped on the side of a desk she new Wimbledon record by winning told the story of how her ankle was her eighth championship hut she injured She explained that she with such magnificent command Almost from the start she dominated play When it was all over Miss Jacobs was a sad and red-eyed rl She limped to her dressing room with Dr Dunning and it wsa only after a long rest that she would see reporters But even then she couldn't face them She fled into the clubhouse and agreed later to receive one American and one English newspaper man Tells Story Then with her swollen ankle i linn 2 Khai'U li-iin irhm nf Cm i min of Sha rue 1 Han lb Cliierl 2b Riure Bilh 2b Ml 71 22 of Nah (I 147 llslry 3b Kn 73 24 Chatham All lS B'Xpnnil ml Nh 2) Sliyl-r rm ArKrkrl ul Hu Nun! of I Rid Knx Rr-wn Kh Hsrri AH IViiisik of Mf Mirharl 1b S'lnkal All Warrrn Kn 72 227 Hiarmir Nab 44 l'S ruble 47 1)4 Wsi'era 4J 117 Pel-r ulil AM 47 17 Smith Ill LI i 24 Rich I 1 Brnknirv Mf Sin Ilparxmh 2n All 1 1S Thxirrni lh Rm 47 1)7 Rnflannl Mr 44 124 I snaluin Chi IS 32 Lan rh' 3 Von an Mf 44 13 f'nnn of All 34 114 RrnM uM rhl 4 I I Hofierl Nh 41 123 PITCHIM) WORDS All Winning rilrhrr Pl1phr fliih li IP Schmeder Kn 3 a I IMM1 22 2 1 IS 12 11 in 24 11 3 22 12 Hum AM 7 Kvsn IS 12 Hirk'ifer Nli 11 4 liermm Rlun IS 2 Huh II I) lliieiie Blim 2) Rninrr Cht 22 Kn Chi JM Campbell Kn 7 I Mr Mr 21 '2R4 2ti 34 2m 31 2''4 44 2'i7 24 2i4 22 rt VMi 10 2lrt 20 216 a virt 34 242 13 241 111 210 i rl0 14 2:44 0 243 2 231 2rt 210 33 21b 24 220 22 210 1 210 rt VIV 2li All Cpiurll Nfth Hiaxton I hhm i aii" I Kmusu1 Bum IINHI 7 4 '7 11 2 1'i MM) 93 91 7'MI 49 4 727 131 llll 714 49 h7 7n0 9n 92 4h7 119 1M 9 70 4 TH 9M )2 9ft 94 )S mi 93 Hi 41 42 97 74 171 123 129 ATI ftl 44 )43 113 124 )l 2' 21 I'" 27 io 2nii -il was unable to get set fur any of ber shots It was very distressing at this point for her because she obviously was trying but could put no weight on her right foot It was very difficult for me to know what to do because while I felt I should do something yet there was nothing I really could do except keep on with the game No Other Choice There was no other choice for me If the game was to have been stopped by request it would have had to be made to the umpire according to the rules snd obviously I was not the one who could have made the request I did not know whether Miss Jacobs would make the request or not It was up to her to make the choire She chose to remain A similar incident happened several years ago in the finals in which Baron Gottfried Von Cramm the German played Fred Terry the Englishman A muscle in Von Cramm' leg gave way He was unable to play at ail But in spite of this he remained on the court In this esse Terry had no alter- i native hut to continue the game It seemed very pleas-int to come buck to Wimbledon after an ab-j scnce of three years I was very much Impressed by the improvement in women's ten nls 8 rrrP probably the strongest they have en' This was in sharp contrast to the men's singles which were entirely dominated by Don Burge who it seems to me is playing some of the best tennis I ever have seen HUGE HELD READY 1' i 1 other title in the circuit However the V-8's have heen bolstered Hv the acquisition of George Granger gould Rebels of the Northeast Ar- 'onetime Chirk pitcher and sre cz-' kansns league announced today 1 pP tcd to press Red Cavett's com-ithat Paul Rucker Ilot Springs (( Rnwunl Or Smith Set Lefty Joe Howard diminutive for- mcr Tribesman or Haywood Smith i No comment was made as to the righthander will hurl for the i reason for Manager Schleicher'a I nic a ilia opponent will be I resignation but he haa been In- or Normnn Warner speed Jured moat of the season first I bnller aiso riRhthnndril with a sprained ankle then a char- ley horse which hns hampered his playing end recently the Rebels have heen in a slump Rucker has been hatting 273 with the Hot Springs club this season He Is lefthnnded batter He was with the Osreola club of the Northeast Arkansas League in 193d and was voted the league's outstanding catcher Rucker was sent to the Three-I liCiiKiie lsst year and then returned to Osceola hy the Kt lands Browns iHler wild to the Texas-Oklahoma League and later purchased hy Joneshuro He whs purchased from Jonesboro by Ihe Hot Springs club early this year HONOR ROCKNE THURSDAY Woodmen of the World displayed power in recent will tangle with tho Shoe Stores at 4 o'rlock mile Wade Elam one of I bull's ace righthanders in will draw the assignment Woodmen Fred Murphy or Gaddis Gihaon will take the hill for 'Old Men To Encounter Of 'Youngsters' Men" of the Youth IjeHgue will tie "Youngsters" at 9:30 morning on Fairgrounds No I in tha first annual Two missed tee shots cn par 3 holes that caught traps and two subsequent mediocre recoveries told Ihe story of Shute'a round today for he whs flawless the rest at the way I Three down at the twenty-sev-i eiith Guldahl threatened to make a tight nice of it down the home i'u stretch when lie hirdied the tweu- i 'tiii ly-eighth to win that nnd then Miller All 21 lnuhmn Al! 11 Rmkmm AM 2ft VeeeiK Ml IS Kerkaim I 1) J'lhnnon Rhm IS liiiiHhnn I 'lit 1) lleu-aei Mi 14 Kliailie I 17 lirsKr NO 11 Kn 22 liM'kr Hliin 4 emerged from her dressing room Forty-FOUr PlayerS In MiSSiS-She Neifnicd ticrruHy coul nnd 1 huppy Went" felt badly" becuuse of Miss injury "It would have been so much more satisfactory to have had the match played on even terms" she said "Helen was confident in her game when she left but she seemed more jubilant over the prospect of spending the Summer in Europe" Mrs Wills said Mrs Jacobs hud hoped her daughter would win not so much because it would be a victory over Helen Moody but because she had played so courageously to reach the finals alter illness lu the early roll mis never thought Helen would do ns well as she did lo reach the finals" Mrs IhcoIis said she finished so strongly to enter the last round iny hopes were high" AMATEUR BOUTS CARDED Alempliiaiia To Box On Canton Show Tomorrow x-rw i CANTON Mi July 2-Some of Memphis' outstanding young ama- Irur boxer will sppear the Fourth of July boxing card here Monday Thr card has bren nr-rsnged as a feature of a mammoth celebration The program uVry iVi! MiCiihIIii va Billy Carkelle Itnh- ert Brownlee vs Donald lively Roland Jrhl va Lamar Williams Wild Bill Hamurls va Eddie Kzzell Baxter James va John Qurnlchct Santo Greco vs JBnirs Shepard Jimmy Manley vs llovis Harris Play For County Title GREENWOOD Miss July Country course Il will bo a handicap meet i lidded the thirtieth us Slmte failed to recover well from a trap This put Guldahl only one dawn with seven to play but Denny rapped home birdie four on Ihe next holing a lVfooter nnd became 2 up again Then they halved out the next five in par to end it The rourse: Par mu 4i4 411 I' -13 Shill mil 444 434 4'lft-3) ilillahl nut 414 434 44ft- 3ft ISliiil 3 upl Par in 4:13 434 4 3ft -3ft -70 riuil In 444 434 43 GiiKIJihl In 33) 434 43 Kliiil in 2 and 1 BROWN BURRbUGHS Atlantan Gets Clear Decision Over Rugged Mlsslsslpplan ATLANTA July (AD -Ben Brown (159) of Atlanta easily outpointed linttling Burroughs (Ml 4) of I'nsrsgnuln Mias in a fast 10-round fight last night Burroughs won only one round and ona was even Only the Miasisslpplsn's rugged-ness and gameness enabled him to go the distance ns he took terrific punishment pnrtieuinrly in the final two rounds whpn the crowd clamored wildly for the home town buy to finish his man Dooley Travels The Ihwlcy Tire ami Oil baseball oTrruM Ark- 1101(1 Ai riir iimililDiiDiiilDt4 liininrrmv ''Tlhinaii Tlhuii fur dmiblclicndcr lumuirow STATE COLLEGE Miss July 2 Forty-four entriea have been filed for the three-day tennis tournament onen to Mississippi amHtrurs starting here Tuesday The list includes some of the the American champion- stale's top-notch racquet winldrr Miss Jacobs Thr competition will bring together It 1 Grosanirkle Jr of Columhua and Sever Kubanka nf Winona finalists tn tha high school tourney hero last April A faculty of four tennia eoachrs will rnndnct a clinic Dr Trent State College Gross nirklr Sr Columbus Tom Sawyer Meridian and Childress Union Evening classes have been arranged tn rnnhle players to get full Inalnirtlon Sanctioned by-the United Slates Lawn Tennis Association for Mississippi eliminations winners will be eligible to participate in the national meet 'I'h'i rntrll Raym'Siit Fnwlr unit 1 Miini'fin lirnlsi Waller Kmnulv Curl (UentM'h KiihbHI dmvtinlrklr mi Wiiiirtfti rx CihtmlHi Mtlion Tumm llmrll HiiinlMHn nl iMlKim Keitfiit Jr frtrkNciii iviiiifem Kitillliivq Billy rmnrtril rtml lligr rv llthBN Rev Jr I i Kn ir II ThcniN HHrtim fihil lluvH Kmihnvr Hi irk ilia I'lKirli" KMitf sorry about Miss Jambs' she said Just 'went1 Jt'a too bsri hut it could helped could HV Moody said she hoped to Vftrt HllM- PniPrd in thst tourna she hopes Mrs Moody of the controversy that the stands all day all other during the final day practically submerged despite thM Amerlea'a stars art that America's stars art Wimbledon record by all five rhnmplnnahipa women's singles women's doubles and mixed ha had a year ago Don figured in three of these hia easy straight-set Bunny Austin for the singles el-own yesterday Don (Sene Muko of Los i- 6-4 8-0 6-3 H-6 victory German team of limner nnd George von Mrtiixn slid Miss Marble defeuled nnd Mrs Suroli Muss Aiii'i Hi" lriiiliu AH 'IN I Mf 24 i'Iihiii Kn 24 M'lx-rr'C Knx 22 Hinkr Hhm 2U Waikin Nh 20 Cv Mnor Knx 12 Snurb'n Mix 17 MKin All 12 Pnvnlrk Mf 13 C(illlr Nh 15 Hurr Nh 21 Hvlr I 2n f'nnnilM I 14 nrxa I li PIII fhf quint 13 fmnnun 22 Ityr Cht 21 Hirnmm 23 fl(i'ktl Knx 12 June Chi I ft 7 13 3 4 331 7) 74 333 104 104 331 ftl 44 117 Ml 43 44 44 1 133 333 333 333 34 273 3110 52 (ft ft 70 71 SI 77 Will Move TVA Houses CORINTH Mias July 2-The hope of Tri-States aportsmrn for securing tho temporary buildings at Dam as lodges received a setback today when the TVA naked for bids for moving 60 of thene houses to the Oilbertaville Ky dam-site TVA officials believe the Authority will effect a substantial savings in moving the houses to Gilhertsville rather then selling them to a wrecking company Arranges Schedule MAYFIELD Ky July 2-J Ernest Jones business manager of the Style Marts Kofi ball tennis hii-iifiuiiced the following schedule of games for July: Tiinuirruw iamr tn Si Tuil: July 9 p'inl A Andmuii M-niphl Slylrtl MiilHuulh mn of Mmpiu Siyl Mart: July 13 Slylrf Ir Krnliirky rhaniplun Imlry Matrix Sly I Marl va Puliirah July 1S-1lyllf Rnvalfnn 111 alrl Sherrills Rnvallnn boy: July 2S- Slylf I iiyiraburz Tm I'lcldhoiwe Cornerstone To Honor Former Grid Mentor SOUTH BEND Ind July The cornerstone nf a $A00-000 fieldhouse in memory of Football Coach Knute Rooknr killed in an laid at the University of Notre Dame here Thursday Warren Brown Chicago newspaperman and biographer will apeak Tha Rev John O'Hara univeraity prealdent will hies the stone Elmer Lnydcn present cnarh and others who onre played football under Rockne will taka part Mullim and Monty In Movie Short Lloyd Montgomery the Arkansan and Harry Mullins the MisHikaipplan are featured In a rurrent movie short at the Malco Theater The star heavyweight who recently turned professional are shown In their final day -and as Golden Glover The film shows the various method of I ruining In the life of a Gulden Glover Mullins appear on the screen first with Ned Johnston well known trainer and brother of Jimmy Johnston former Madison Square Garden matchmaker he am so ankle" you know no' hB Mrs in dcfinilplv ment said plays In virw raged in developments wrrB 'h fact up a new winning -men's and and doubles Just as Budge Following triumph over men's partnered An-Rides to over the Henkel Th'-n lie llenki-l Fa-liyun of Brookline 0-1 0-4 for the mixed dmililes title Miss Marble and Mrs won the women's doubles trouneing tha defending champions Mme Rene Mathieu of France and Adeline (Billy) Yorke of England 6-2 and 6-3 Fulivnn Harvey rf Roy WoodHli a Gordon Crone utility Lea Ilaire Fete Browne lb Youngsters -Johnny Farrell 2b Ty Tyson If: Alex Kulp as Bill Hampton cf Bob Gill Ralph Peel 3h Van Fletcher utility Russell Jones lb Dave Dial rf Art Cribble Tommy Rhea Canova To Oppose Coca-Cola Today Canova Coffee will encounter tha Coca-Cola Bottlers at 10 o'clock this morning in the weekly Bushwah League battle at Hmlgee Field The clubs are in the thick of ona of their must heated pennant campaign Tupelo Girls Lose niCOIXlNA Mi July 2- Tupelo Draughon' HuNinrsa College girl' soft ball tram bended hy Evelyn "Sonny" McDaniel senna-tinnal hurler went down In defeat for the first time this season at tha hands nf Okolona All Stare men to 1 Tennis Meet Listed 'VtORKXCK Ala July 2-The iturirnt rouucil of Klorviicfi Hint TPHt hern Cullpiep Hnn InnURurHtrti Ignore County TIip (viihin fviol te-thHimtinl teunlrttourmiauMit nml nnd (ilHypd 14 tmiiuKrt lo rpgTrttrtred th fnllowlnx fHrrjue" 3 twri: i lp iViHfiimti 1lir1j4: jihnn JfmiMirt: Phutu fmdy 4ittiriri1p 11 ierleti Jr Mm if K)nia V4fiie W'mhIvMI: Kf0IV MmhH'in Svw (tkiqrr Hai klthuift: Hi-r- hi( Mi Nutt Halvytt Kyi ll9lv 4'iiifnrtfi HmhvrfiMin Rrirtgiwiri Ru'fci XfiHm eM TinMtmhia 4r Minler City and Sidon baseball teams will battle here tomorrow afternoon for the cliniiipintiNlilp of Flag Tourney Booked GREENWfK)U1 Mias July Thr annual Fourth nf July flag golf tournament will he staged Monday afternoon on the Greenwood Club Kroger In Front Kroger defeated Taatee Bread IS to 10 yesterday In the Bakers' softball lesguo at the Fairgrounds 1 U-ril Mi' ni'li'V K'piirm Mill i' l(')lirl Kil twl tlx'ial Mr I A'rx Tnurbaliin RlUHlra and Martin Hrnif Mrndian: KmniM IMI-hin llniil- hiia Harms Andr I'n-I'Ui Hnldr and Max S-nn-il Wt Pmnl Siani-v Haddnx Sirr Kubanka and I'larfnr llrvr Minima irA Ia rtniifitm yioienct rton Lrftihgtoa 1.

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Name: Rueben Jacobs

Birthday: 1999-03-14

Address: 951 Caterina Walk, Schambergerside, CA 67667-0896

Phone: +6881806848632

Job: Internal Education Planner

Hobby: Candle making, Cabaret, Poi, Gambling, Rock climbing, Wood carving, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.